Friday, January 2, 2015

2015 Resolutions: Make them, Keep them!

So you how many times have you made a New Years Resolution, and then, by 5th January, forgotten all about it? Yup, we have all been there! So, 2015 is the year to stop the cycle of resolving to make changes to your lifestyle, weight, health and then not! Make 2015 your year by setting yourself up for success! Here are 10 fab ‘Turbo Top Tips’ to help you get started! 

1.  Be Realistic
Making your goal unattainable is a sure way to keep success at bay. The guaranteed way to fall short of your goal is to make your goal unattainable. For instance, resolving to NEVER eat your favourite food again or  resolving to work out every day (especially if you are a non-exerciser to start with). Instead, strive for a goal that is attainable; small positive changes will create ‘good habits’ which can then be built on throughout the year. (I have a friend who went ‘sans alcohol’, for charity, throughout 2014 (and succeeded!) - an awesome feat but not something that most people could perhaps keep to!)  

Check out the links below for some inspiration on what kind of challenges you could set yourself

Fancy something a bit different? Then check these links out!

2.  Do it for a reason beyond ‘you’.
Making your goal for someone/something else will make you more likely to stick to your newly formed goal. Whilst I try and guide my clients to follow internal reasons to train, if you are raising money for a charity then it will give you an extra push to keep to your goal. Whilst out running on New Years day this year I came up with my most recent challenge; 2015 miles throughout 2015. Whilst I would probably push myself to achieve it; I thought I would be better off using my fitness to help others. So, I have set up a Just Giving page to raise money for HOPE For Children, a charity dedicated to helping children throughout the world; giving them a chance at experiencing a ‘proper’ childhood. Skipping that training run, especially if you are completing an event for a charity, will play on your mind!

Hope for Children - The charity I am completing my '2015 in 2015' for.

3.  Plan Ahead
After a few too many drinks on New Years Eve, people often find themselves entering into an event or challenge. Although its normally best to plan well ahead; if you woke up on 1st Jan and found that you have entered a challenge on a whim, don't worry! Sit down, the week after New Year, and plan your approach to the task and set yourself up to succeed. Look to point 1 as I refer to starting small and building on your goal. Who cares if you start your resolution on the 2nd or 3rd January? What matters is that you keep your goal in mind throughout the year. Using a Certified Personal Trainer is a fantastic way to get the professional, customised workout you require to keep you on track with your goal!

4.  Outline Your Plan
Decide, ahead of time, how you will deal with the temptation to skip that workout, exercise class or have that extra portion at dinner. This could include getting your sports clothing/equipment ready the night before so its sitting, waiting and looking at you when you wake up in the morning; or popping your gym bag in your car so you can go straight the gym after work or within your lunch hour. Calling on a friend for help, practicing positive thinking and self-talk, or reminding yourself how your actions will affect your goal are all options you have available.

5.  Talk About It
Don’t keep your resolution a secret; get it out there and get people encouraging you on! Social media is a great method; update your family and friends via email or drop it into conversation over coffee. Drop by Turbo Fit Personal Training & Coaching’s Facebook page and let us know of your goal!  By telling friends and family members of your ambition for the year means they can be there to support your resolve to change yourself for the better or improve your health. Why not find a buddy who shares your New Year’s resolution and motivate each other towards your goal (this is great if you are training for a race). 

There's no slacking off when there is someone else training with you!

6.  Reward Yourself
A girl can never have too many shoes....!
Ok, I’m not talking about scoffing an entire packet of Chips Ahoy cookies at the end of the first week (especially if your resolution is to eat healthier!) or sinking a few bottles of red. However, you could celebrate your ongoing success by treating yourself to something you enjoy, something that doesn’t blow your resolution to pieces. If you have been sticking to your resolve to eat better, then reward yourself with some new fitness gear or by going out with a friend. If you have been religiously working out 4 times a week like you promised you would, since 1st Jan, then treat yourself to a new pair of gym shoes! (everyone needs new gym shoes!)

7.  Track Your Progress
Keep track of each and every small success. Break your main goal down into smaller chunks; after-all, short-term goals are easier to keep. Each small accomplishment will help keep you motivated. For example: instead of focusing on losing 25 pounds, focus on losing the first five, then the first 10 and so on. If you have signed up for a half marathon but have never run before, then focus on getting that first mile under your belt; then work to the second and third. Log your accomplishments, daily or weekly, whichever you prefer, to help you stay on track; and, as mentioned in Point 6, reward yourself for each small goal accomplished. Check out these free fitness trackers you can use to help track your progress!

Map My Fitness

Run Keeper
8.  Dont Beat Yourself Up
So, you have set yourself your goal and you have been going great guns for 2 weeks; then comes a slip up. A birthday party celebration or the Superbowl on 1st Feb has seen you overindulge and miss a workout or take on a few too many calories one evening. Arrrrrrggh! Panic Not. Obsessing over the occasional slip won’t help you achieve your goal. Do the best you can each day, and take one day at a time. If you feel you have ‘slipped up’ on one day, it wont have affected the rest of the year! Get up the next day with new resolve. You can’t change the past but your actions can affect the future (of your goal at least!).

9.  Stick to It
Experts report that it takes about 21 days for a new activity to become a habit and six months for it to become part of your personality. I’m not exactly renowned for my patience when it comes to my fitness, speed, strength goals; however, over the years I have learned (the hard way) that going out too hard and too fast, expecting quick results, just ends up in over-stress, illness , injury, and ultimately disappointment. It won’t happen overnight, so be persistent and patient!

10. Keep Trying
If you have completely run out of motivation by mid-February, don’t despair! Start over again! Recommit yourself for 24 hours or even a weekend. Come-on, you can do anything for 24 hours! Build on these increments; tack on a few more 24 hours stints and, before you know it, you will be back on track to achieve your goal!

So, what are your 2015 goals? Share them in the comments section below, or on Turbo Fit Personal Training & Coaching’s Facebook and get going on your new plan. Want some help on deciding on a goal or some guidance on how to achieve your fitness or health goal? Then contact Turbo Fit’s ACSM Certified Personal Trainer who can help you on your way.

Happy New Year Everyone! Here’s to a fabulous 2015!


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